The Caribbean is known for its bright blue skies, warm crystal clear waters and laid back lifestyle. If you’re considering a trip to the Caribbean, whether as a cruise package or a few weeks in the sun, here are our favorite Caribbean islands to visit.
As the capital of the Bahamas, Nassau is a popular destination for holidaymakers who want sun, sea and sand – even the blue and yellow stripes on their flag represent the sandy beaches and ocean waves – but it also retains a taste of Europe thanks to still being a member of the British Commonwealth.

Nassau is a common first port of call on a Caribbean cruise, being not far off the coast of southern Florida. Your first glimpse of Nassau will show off the beautiful tree lined streets as well as the colourful large resort complexes like Atlantis that the island is known for. People also love Nassau for its shining casinos and duty-free shopping.
Barbados is the first name that pops into many people’s heads when they think of the Caribbean and holidaying in the sun. It’s renowned as being the vacation destination of the rich and the famous, with many big names having holiday homes on the island, and for some very good reasons.

In addition to the luxurious summer homes that line the beaches, Barbados is home to a wealth of culture and a history going back hundreds of years. Visitors should make sure to plan a trip to one of the plantation houses or sugar cane estates to find out more about the traditions that made the island what it is today.
Where Barbados is the Caribbean’s renowned popular luxury resort, Jamaica is the laid back and casual version of the Caribbean lifestyle. Grab yourself a glass of rum and pull up a hammock to take in Jamaica’s relaxed atmosphere.
But Jamaica is also home to some national treasures and wonders of nature. Dunn’s River Falls is a world famous waterfall that’s popular among tourists and locals alike, and the Coyaba Gardens show off Jamaica’s natural beauty with flowing springs and local plant life. If you prefer to stick to the beach, the soft white sands give way to sparkling turquoise waters, and you can even spot dolphins among the waves.
Dominican Republic
For those that want to visit the Caribbean on a tighter budget, the Dominican Republic might be an option to consider that still retains all of the best aspects of Caribbean life. With a relatively new cruise port at Amber’s Cove, the island has ramped up its tourist appeal even more.
Santo Domingo is the largest city in the Caribbean, home to over two million people, but at over 500 years old, it’s also a city filled with heritage and history. The Cuidad Colonial is a fantastic place to visit, filled with cobbled streets and palatial residences, where even Columbus himself once walked.
Saint Lucia
Saint Lucia is the vision of a picture perfect tropical paradise, particularly the strip of luxury resorts along Sugar Beach where the dense forest and Petite Piton, an almost sheer rock wall of 739m tall, meets the soft white sand.
With over 77% of the island covered in lush rain forest, there’s more to do than just work on your tan. For the inexperienced hiker, the Diamond Falls Botanical Gardens and Tet Paul Nature Trail are beautiful and well-maintained. If you want more of an adventure, take a gondola ride deep into the jungle and explore the tree tops with Rain forest Adventure
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