Celebrity Apex

Introducing Celebrity Apex

Celebrity Apex is no ordinary ship. The second in Celebrity’s revolutionary Edge class series, she boasts the same rule-breaking design and innovative features as her sister ship, the Celebrity Edge, connecting you more closely to the ocean and your destination. Top features include infinite balconies, martini glass Jacuzzis, and the fantastic cantilevered platform; the ‘Magic Carpet’. This movable platform on the side of the ship can change to become different venues depending on which level it stops on. From al fresco dining to open deck bars, there’s something for everyone on the Magic Carpet. Several new suites are also available with double storeys, wrap-around glass windows, and private plunge pools.

What's onboard?

  • New Edge staterooms with infinite verandas
  • Indulgent spa and modern fitness centre
  • State of the art moving deck on the Magic Carpet
  • Dazzling pool
  • World class restaurants
  • Brilliant rooftop garden
  • Ultra-modern theatre

Be among the first...

We're delighted to announce that Celebrity Cruises have launched new 2021 summer sailings on the brand-new Celebrity Apex from Athens!

You could be amongst the first to sail on the brand-new ship and experience all of her wonderful amenities including the Magic Carpet, Eden, Rooftop Garden & so much more!

Featured are 6, 7 & 8 night sailings that include the Greek Isles, Israel & Cyprus and even an overnight stay for Jerusalem! These itineraries really are breath-taking.

Celebrity Apex's maiden voyage is on the 19th June, so book with us today to be one of the very first passengers!

CALL US FREE ON 0800 073 6526 TO BOOK

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